Deprecated Magpie Contracts

The magpie contracts consists of:

  1. MagpieAggregator Diamond Proxy: This contract serves as the core module overseeing crucial functions like "swapIn," and "swapOut," pivotal for users conducting cross-chain asset transfers. These essential operations empower users to effortlessly navigate and initiate transfers within the Magpie Protocol ecosystem.

  2. MagpieRouterV2: This smart contract is designed for executing token swaps on the Ethereum blockchain, with features for handling various swap strategies, ensuring transaction deadlines, and integrating with multiple DeFi protocols.

  3. MagpieCelerBridge: Designed to seamlessly integrate with the Celer Bridge, this contract plays a crucial role in receiving funds and subsequently transferring them to the Magpie Aggregator. Its primary function is to act as a bridge between the Celer Bridge and the MagpieAggregator, facilitating the smooth flow of funds.

  4. MagpieStargateBridge: Designed to seamlessly integrate with the Stargate Bridge, this contract plays a crucial role in receiving funds and subsequently transferring them to the Magpie Aggregator. Its primary function is to act as a bridge between the Celer Bridge and the MagpieAggregator, facilitating the smooth flow of funds.

  5. MagpieStargateBridgeV2: Similar functionality like MagpieStargateBridge. This contract was created because Stargate released a new version of their bridge.

Last updated