
The purpose of this library is to provide pause and unpause functionality for a contract.


It retrieves the storage state of the contract using LibMagpieAggregator.getStorage().

It sets the paused variable of the storage state to true. This variable is used to indicate whether the contract is currently paused or not.

It emits a Paused event, passing msg.sender as the parameter. The Paused event is emitted to notify listeners that the contract has been paused, and msg.sender represents the address of the sender who triggered the pause function.


It retrieves the storage state of the contract using LibMagpieAggregator.getStorage().

It sets the paused variable of the storage state to false. This variable is used to indicate whether the contract is currently paused or not.

It emits a Paused event, passing msg.sender as the parameter. The Paused event is emitted to notify listeners that the contract has been unpaused, and msg.sender represents the address of the sender who triggered the unpause function.


The purpose of this function is to enforce that certain operations can only be performed when the contract is not paused. If the contract is indeed paused, the function reverts the transaction and provides an error message indicating that the contract is paused. This helps ensure that critical functions or actions are not performed during a paused state, maintaining the desired behavior and security of the contract.

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